How To Protect Your Curly Hair When Swimming in Pools

How To Protect Your Curly Hair When Swimming in Pools

If you have curly hair, swimming in a chlorinated pool can be a damaging and difficult experience. The chlorine in swimming pools can cause your hair to become dry and brittle. It can also make it hard for you to brush your hair when you’re done swimming because hair tangles easily when wet.


Step #1: Avoid Chlorine As Much As Possible

The first thing to do is to get rid of the chlorine. Not only is it bad for curly hair, but chlorine can also make curls frizzy and dry. So, you’ll need to take steps to protect your hair from this damaging chemical. Of course if you are a competitive swimmer, this isn’t really an option. Instead, rinse your hair before diving in. Keep in mind that a swimcap is intended to streamline your body, not keep chlorine out of your hair. You may alson consider using a light conditioner before you put on your swimcap. This may result in a slippery cap, but it will help add a barrier between your hair and the chlorine.


Step #2: Rinse Your Hair With Water That Contains Vinegar

When you’re finished in the pool, the next step is to rinse your hair with water that contains a few tablespoons of vinegar. Vinegar is a natural cleanser, so it can be used to remove chlorine from your curly hair. It's also cheap and easy to find at any grocery store or health food store. If you have long hair, make sure you comb out all of the knots before rinsing your hair with vinegar. Otherwise, your hair will get tangled up and stay that way after it dries!


Step #3: Look Into Buying Special Products To Protect Your Hair

Look for products that are specifically designed for curly hair like yours. You should also avoid products intended for colored hair. That’s because these can strip away the color of your curls. Strangely enough, make sure you read the ingredient lists on any products that are marketed as tools to protect curly hair from the damaging effects of chlorine or salt water. These usually contain silicone, which is not ideal.


This is a problem because silicone coats the surface of your hair and makes it look smoother when wet. However, it does nothing to actually repair damage within the strands themselves. In fact, it may even make matters worse by blocking moisture from reaching them altogether!


So, what should you use? Products with proteins are your best bet. They can help rebuild the bonds in your hair while providing strength, flexibility, and elasticity. You can also use leave-in conditioners to keep your hair moisturized and prevent damage from occurring as a result of swimming.


Step #4: Consider Incorporating Special Pool Products

If you have curly hair and you like to swim in chlorinated pools, there are a few things that you can do to prevent your hair from sustaining damage. The most important thing is to rinse your hair with water after swimming. This will remove most of the chlorine that has been absorbed into your hair. Then, search for special pool products to help remove chlorine from your hair as well. Competitive swimmers and triathletes are often introduced to products specifically designed to help protect and revive hair that is constantly in the water.


Enjoy the Pool While Maintaining the Health of Your Curly Hair

You can prevent damage to your curly hair when you swim by either avoiding chlorine altogether (honestly, who can do that?) or using vinegar. Look for products that contain keratin to lock in proteins into your hair. Consider purchasing a special pool product as another option. No matter what you do, just make sure the protection of your hair remains a consideration when you go around the pool. And if you have any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to contact us!